Reality…About Children Learning and Mothers/Teachers Teaching

This post is the follow-up to yesterday’s:

“Life is like a departure lounge. The place you end up depends on which ticket you bought.” ~ Dr. Dion T. Harrigan

Boy looking at math and science icons - Resized Larger

When children are born, they each come with their own “equipment.”

Law enforcement officers turn to their fingerprint files when searching for a criminal. The doors to some high-tech offices are now opened by the eye-print of the person seeking access. Blind people identify the person addressing them by their voice-print. An approaching individual can be recognized by his gait. The identity of a dead person may be ascertained by his dentition.

What’s Nutrition got to do with Learning?

As mom prepared to get Judy out of the house to wait for the school bus, she chimed, “Breakfast is ready.” The usual response echoed down the hall, “I’m not hungry! You know I’m not a breakfast kid.” After a while, most mothers who experience this same challenge, give up encouraging their school-age children to eat their breakfasts before school. Learning is not factored into that situation at all.

I found this interesting video created by News 9 in Oklahoma in which the news anchor, Jennifer Pierce, talks to Dr. Steve Sternlof  about the link between school nutrition and academic performance.

He made some important points. Do you eat breakfast at home and provide a good example for your children? It is so easy for us to adopt the attitude of “do as I say, but not as I do,” without thinking about its affects on our children’s habits and ultimately, their learning.