12 Ways to Awaken And Maintain Your Dyslexic Child’s Love for Art

Many of the world’s most creative people have dyslexia.

They tend to think in pictures rather than words.

Nineteenth-century French sculptor, Auguste Rodin, could stare at paintings in museums by day and paint them from memory at night, yet because of his dyslexia, he could barely read or write by the age of 14.

As a parent, you can switch your child’s focus from his failures and give her a lifelong friend by introducing her to art.

Exposing children to the arts helps them to develop new skills and think creatively.

Remember that many schools with tight budgets struggle to provide access to art programs. When funding challenges arise, the subjects your dyslexic child excels in are, most likely, the first to be cut from the curriculum.

Learn how you can use culture to connect with your child and prepare him for a more rewarding life. Try these strategies for art lessons that your child will love.

Art Activities for Children During Museum Visits

When you drop into a museum these days, you’ll probably see people more interested in taking selfies than looking at the paintings. Studies show that the more time visitors spend on their electronic devices, the less they remember about the art.

Show your children how to have a richer experience:

  1. Keep it brief. Children tend to have limited attention spans. Leave them wanting more. Go home before they become tired and bored.
  2. Assign homework. Your outings will leave a deeper impression if you prepare in advance. Read with them about an exhibition. Even small children can look at images on a website or brochure.
  3. Talk it over. Schedule time for discussion after your trip. Ask your child what works they liked and why.
  4. Bring a sketchpad. Most museums allow you to carry in small sketchpads and pencils. Drawing is an excellent way for children to examine a work closely and refine their motor skills.
  5. Stop by the gift shop. For more fun, do a little shopping. Gift shops have children’s sections with educational toys, books, games, and craft materials.
  6. Check the calendar. Learn what’s in store in the weeks ahead. You may be able to take your children to films and hands-on workshops in addition to attending the usual exhibitions.
  7. Buy a membership. If your budget is tight, check if the museum has hours with free admission. You can also save money and support your local institutions by purchasing a family membership so you can visit as often as you want.

Art Activities for Children in Between Museum Visits

Naturally, you’ll be spending more time outside of the museum even if you’re a devoted member. Look for additional activities you can do at home or in your child’s school.

  1. Encourage personal interests. Drum up enthusiasm by showing your children how the arts tie into subjects they are already passionate about. Maybe your daughter will be fascinated by Degas’ horses or ballerinas.
  2. Engage in crafts. Gather together to do crafts. Recycle household objects or drop by an art store for supplies. Browse for ideas online or invent your own projects.
  3. Celebrate holidays. If daily responsibilities leave little time for the arts, the holidays can remind you to include more playtime in your routine. Assemble your own Christmas tree ornaments or paint Easter eggs.
  4. Volunteer at school. Ask your child’s teacher how you can support art programs in the classroom. Volunteer to teach a session or donate old magazines and auction catalogs for collages.
  5. Start a library. The more your children know about art, the more eager they’ll be to continue their studies. Art books can be expensive, but you can find bargains by shopping for used books at your library or online. You could also exchange books with other families to split the costs.

Being creative can mean many different types of creativity, for example, an artist, a musician, a talented sportsperson, a leader of a group, or an entrepreneur.

Start by introducing your child to art, then move on to another creative venture.

Share cultural experiences with your child to brighten her future and draw your family closer together. The arts can help children to perform better at school while they build their confidence and creativity.

Have you taken your child to a museum? What was her reaction?

Florence is an Optimist, Encourager, Author, Speaker, Consultant & Mom of the most amazing daughter ever. She shares tips, tools, and resources with parents of dyslexic children to stop the struggle. A believer in the unique learning abilities of all children, she is a strong advocate for those who learn differently.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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6 thoughts on “12 Ways to Awaken And Maintain Your Dyslexic Child’s Love for Art

  1. Ayushi Sharma says:

    Absolutely Creative! A lot learned and a lot tried to implemented. Thanks for sharing!!

    • You’re welcome, Ayushi. Museums have a lot to offer, but most parents are not aware of the ways they can contribute to developing their children’s appreciation for art.

  2. I love these ways for kids to enjoy an art museum! We have a beautiful museum in Philly complete with the Rocky steps! I have learned to appreciate the museum as an adult, but as a child, I got bored easily, and my only favorite part were those steps!

    • So often parents bypass the many lessons that can be learned at the museum, and many do not know how to use the exhibits to teach or motivate their children. I’m glad you learned to appreciate the museum as an adult.

  3. Oh, you are so right. My daughter has some mild dyslexia and she is crazy creative. These are wonderfully helpful tips. Thank you for sharing.

    • You’re welcome, April. The secret is that these tips work for children who are not dyslexic also.