5 Ways to Build Resilience and Grit in Your Dyslexic Child and Set Him Up for Success

Resilience and grit might be the missing ingredients in your child’s quest for success.

Your child may be creative, intuitive, talented, and brilliant. But, when he faces academic challenges, if he’s not resilient, persistent, and gritty, he’ll never make the most of his superpowers. He will never experience learning success.

Try these techniques to help him increase his resilience and grit. Encourage him to:

  1. Maintain relationships with others. When difficult times assail us, it’s natural to want to crawl into a hole and be by yourself. This is a mistake. Everyone is more capable with a support system. He will be stronger when he has help and support and is receptive to it.
  1. Have high hopes. It’s easier to stand strong when you expect things to improve. Nothing stays the same forever. When one knows better times are ahead, grit and resilience are easier to demonstrate. Help him to focus on a positive outcome.
  2. Understand that the most successful people are those with the most resilience. Tell him stories about wealthy and successful dyslexics who kept working in spite of their problems and used their special skills to overcome their difficulties. The most successful people are willing to take on challenges that the average person would avoid like the plague.
  3. Be active, not passive. It’s easier to last when you’re doing something to make progress. Rather than passively waiting for things to get better, work with him to develop the underlying skills in which he is deficient. Show him how to take steps to improve his abilities and access learning.
  1. Live a life that revolves around his interests. When you’re constantly doing things you hate, it’s hard to have a lot of grit and resilience. It’s much easier to have perseverance while doing something you love. Help him discover his strengths and interests – find the things he loves to do. The need for grit will be much lower!

Instead of spending most of his time focusing on his weak skills, it might be more productive to learn how to use his strengths, regardless of the situation. Build resilience and grit into his life and see him enjoy greater success.

Ask yourself what could your child do with his life if he were the most resilient and gritty person you knew? He’d be unstoppable!

Florence is an Optimist, Encourager, Author, Speaker, Consultant & Mom of the most amazing daughter ever. She shares tips, tools, and resources with parents of dyslexic children to stop the struggle. A believer in the unique learning abilities of all children, she is a strong advocate for those who learn differently.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “5 Ways to Build Resilience and Grit in Your Dyslexic Child and Set Him Up for Success

  1. Great information. I love your suggestions about focus on strengths.

  2. These steps will help anyone develop grit. Many adults need to review these points and make a minor adjustment to get looking on the positive direction.
    When looking in the right direction, progress in the right direction is more likely.