How to Create Your Child’s Future By Changing The Way You Think

Your future takes precedence over your past. Focus on your future, rather than on the past. ~ Gary Ryan Blair

Do you have a tendency to look back on past failures and disappointments when faced with new situations or ideas? Are you often tempted to stick with the status quo rather than step into a novel circumstance? Would you pick a comfortable choice rather than one that takes you out of your comfort zone?

This is a painful way to live; an unproductive way to exist; and an unsatisfying mode of survival.

“Where do you want to live—in the past or in the future? Do you want to cower from life or tower over your circumstances?” Answering those questions will help you make decisions and take actions that will create better and more satisfying outcomes in your life.

More importantly, your thought life affects your children—negatively or positively.

Children are intuitive. They pick up on your thoughts and fears without you saying a word out loud. Then, they mirror them in their lives.

If your child is having difficulty in school, it is even more important to be intentional about what you think and teach them to do the same.

Most people use their brains to keep a record of the past.

I agree with Dr. Caroline Leaf, who said, “If you’re not being defined by a vision of the future, you’re left with the old memories of the past.”

If your child has been having difficulty in school for an extended period of time and you want them to succeed, it is imperative that you help them change their thoughts about themselves. If they constantly replay their memories of their failures and the negative labels others call them, they are doomed to a life of shame.

No parent wants that life for their child.

You can help your child change their brain by showing them how to change their thoughts and habits. It takes 21 days to create a new habit.

Now is always the best time to begin a new journey in life. Let the change start with you.

Florence is an Optimist, Encourager, Author, Speaker, Consultant & Mom of the most amazing daughter ever. She shares tips, tools, and resources with parents of dyslexic children to stop the struggle. A believer in the unique learning abilities of all children, she is a strong advocate for those who learn differently.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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One thought on “How to Create Your Child’s Future By Changing The Way You Think

  1. Very good advice, Florence. I do hang onto the past too much, more so on the failures than the successes. It didn’t work then, so why focus on them. It’s taken me this long to learn that lesson. But better late than never. That’s why I am going to challenge myself by using Jamie Oliver’s Comfort Food book. I’m going to try one recipe each month.